Pawna Lake Side Camping is 125 km from Mumbai. Pune to Pawna Lake Side Camping distance is 55-65 Kilometers depending on which route you take from Pune.
You can take a train from Mumbai or Pune to Lonavla or Kamshet station and then you can hire a private cab or we can connect you to a driver
To experience nature, you can visit the campsite at Pawna Lake Side Camping during the Monsoons. Winters are also a great time to experience nature.
To experience nature, you can visit the campsite at Pawna Lake Side Camping during the Monsoons. Winters are also a great time to experience nature.
The camping area is totally alright for ladies and kids. The camping area staff is available at the camping area consistently to help you.
Yes, it is highly recommended for camping for nature-loving couples
Inside the tent, you get mattress, pillow, bed sheet & blanket.